Home Alone 1 And 2: 20 Easter Eggs, References & In-Jokes

1. The Fate Of Kevin's Plane Ticket

Kevin€™s family is a toxic brew of bullies, liars and selfish jerks; and that€™s just the grown-ups. For years audiences have slammed Kevin€™s parents for leaving him behind, but it turns out there€™s a semi-credible explanation for why they didn€™t realise his absence at the airport. When Kevin gets into a fight with Buzz in the kitchen he accidentally spills milk over the families plane tickets, and while Kevin€™s dad is cleaning up the mess with napkins he €“ and this is real easy to miss €“ throws Kevin€™s ticket into the trash by mistake. Combined with the earlier miscount at the taxi and the hectic rush to the airport, this gives the parents some deniability over the whole abandonment issue. Too bad they can€™t use the same excuse again for Home Alone 2; it€™s easier to just call them neglectful jerks and move on. Can you think of any another hidden gags or easter eggs in Home Alone 1 or 2? Share them in the comments below.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.