Home Alone 1 And 2: 20 Easter Eggs, References & In-Jokes

18. Home Alone 2 Has A Trumped Up Cameo

When Kevin finds himself €“ improbably €“ lost in New York, he decides to make use of his time alone by booking into a fancy hotel; all on his father€™s credit card of course. He checks into the world-famous Plaza Hotel, and talks the staff into giving him a room. When he enters he asks a passerby where the reception is, who is played by none other than the hotel€™s real-life owner - and current presidential hopeful - Donald Trump. It€™s a blink and you€™ll miss it affair, where Trump defies typecasting by being helpful and courteous: thought it's worth noting he gives Kevin the wrong directions, meaning he either doesn't know the way around his own hotel, or he was just trolling the kid.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.