How Freddy Krueger Became A Joke In 10 Easy Quotes

7. €œI€™ll get you my pretty, and you€™re little soul too!€ €“ Part 6 (1991)

So here we have reached the bottom. In Freddy€™s Dead: The Final Nightmare, Freddy is a cartoon, no scarier than Bugs Bunny or the Road Runner. The film itself is an oppressively hyperkinetic experience, jammed packed with wild camera work, frantic cutting and silly sound effects. In many ways, it was actually ahead of its time. It€™s what you would expect if Baz Luhrmann ever took a shot at a Nightmare film. A teen finds himself in his house, which seems normal enough, except it€™s hurdling towards the earth from way up in the clouds. As he looks out the window, Freddy appears to him on a broomstick sporting a witch€™s hat in place of his usual fedora. He proceeds to quote The Wizard of Oz, acting out the role of the Wicked Witch of the West. Fairly silly, indeed, and this is only Freddy€™s introduction into the film. There€™s so much more to come!

I have a keen, almost obsessive fascination with the macabre. It has lead me from a quiet life growing up in a small town to where I am now; creating horrific works about horrific things in many different mediums including films, short stories and essays. I live life by a simple motto: learn to like the dark, cause eventually, it'll come for all of us (lightening flashes and thunder claps)... but it ain't so bad.