Jurassic World: 10 Things That Need To Happen In The Sequel

1. Practical Effects

Watch closely and you'll see one of the restaurants in Jurassic World in named Winston's - after Stan Winston, the famous practical effects guru who made the dinosaurs come to life in Jurassic Park. That film represented a high point to many in terms of what can be achieved when the balance is struck between CGI and real-life puppetry. While the original embraced CGI, Winston and Spielberg were well aware of its limitations and chose to use only long shots and rain when using it to render the famous T-Rex scene when it attacks the car. Similarly there was a strict code to using the practical effects as well, as these were limited to short and medium shorts to disguise their mechanical nature. Jurassic World didn't partake in much of Winston's puppet-wizardry and while it did a better job with CGI than the third film, there is still plenty of room for improvement. To really make the dinosaurs come to life, it really would be great to see the return of some practical effects in the next movie. It would be a far better way to commemorate Stan Winston than naming a restaurant after him.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.