Jurassic World: 10 Things That Would Have Happened Afterwards

9. The Genetics Protests Kick Off

Once all the online petitions are out of the way (Ban Genetic Cloning Of Extinct Species: 2,500 signatures, Force InGen To Declassify All Scientific Documents: 400 signatures, and Make Owen Grady the face of Calvin Klein: 895,000 signatures), the more socially conscious amongst us will see it as their duty to right the wrongs of Jurassic World. After all, shady corporations with an bad track records for worker deaths and nothing in the way of a social conscience are pretty much bread and butter for bored activists.

After the initial street-marches make the latter segments of the national news, a rain-soaked #occupyInGen achieves nothing except a few cases of flu and a security guard being two hours late getting home. Initial support fizzles out as the playoffs roll around and a few celebrities get pregnant.

The ringleaders do achieve something significant eventually though. Getting Dr Ellie Sattler to retweet a link to their Kickstarter page - $5,000 to get a huge run of OutGen t-shirts and keyrings made.

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