Jurassic World: 10 Things That Would Have Happened Afterwards

8. Tim Sparks A Huge Twitterstorm Over "Insensitive Comments"

Where controversy goes, a Z-List celebrity will quickly follow to tweet something they'll later regret. However in this particular instance it's almost certain that Tim - no doubt having appeared on Celebrity Love Island or Celebrity Weakest Link at some point - will put his now grown up foot in it. Having not shied away reminding everyone he was that kid who beat the velociraptors during the Jurassic Park incident, and almost definitely getting his number blocked by Dr Grant, Tim will be one of the first to react to the initial news from Jurassic World. As the panicked and frenzied guests start to seep the news of what's going on out to the mass media, the first tentative bulletins will break. Without thinking, and without ever having been famous enough to get proper media training, Tim's poor taste tweet will get spread almost as quickly as the story itself. By the morning, Jurassic Park Survivor In Sick Dino Joke will probably be the most viewed post on most celeb tattle websites and Tim's @ feed will be a stream of panicked mothers calling him all manner of creative and misspelled names. His official ham-fisted apology statement will be issued 48 hours later and read by precisely nobody.
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