Jurassic World: 10 Things That Would Have Happened Afterwards

5. The Expose On The Indominus Rex

Sooner or later, some intrepid journalist is going to do some digging (no pun intended) and get the inside track on the Indominus. Gene-splicing cuttlefish and frogs won't be of much interest to most of the press, but a few of the more serious titles will really get their teeth into it (pun slightly intended). While the makeup of the monster that destroyed Jurassic World is pretty interesting if you're into that sort of thing, the revelations that pretty much nobody at InGen had any idea of the specifics will probably be the main story eventually. The still-unknown whereabouts of Dr Henry Wu sparking a series of memes of him appearing the background of random locations. www.whereswu.com repurposing old Where's Waldo issues for mildly comic effect. As a by-product, "a bit of an I-Rex" becomes common workplace vernacular for any combination of things that has become more hassle that it's worth. "Hey Tony, how's HR getting on now that we've folded payroll and conflict resolution into that department?" "Not great boss. In fact, to tell you the truth, it's a bit of an I-Rex down here at the moment" "Oh, that's really terrible, we'll get that looked into"

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