Jurassic World: 10 Things That Would Have Happened Afterwards

3. Jurassic World Merch' Goes On eBay

Sooner or later, a clean up crew (plus a tonne of insurance investigators) will descend on the ruins of the park. Bodies will be identified, sensitive information will be collected, and the remaining dinosaurs will either be put into those travel cases you get for dogs or otherwise shooed with a rolled up newspaper. However some bright spark is going to head straight for the gift shop, and get the now immensely valuable tat shipped back home so they can start selling it all on eBay.

Imagine how much a novelty sailors hat from the Titanic would be worth? Or what you'd be able to get on craigslist for the cape that pulled Madonna off the stage that time? Disaster adds so much value to otherwise pointless objects, and for just a few hundred bucks you'll be able to get the same stuff that was being sold on the island for about $30. Limited edition, collectors item, one-of-a-kind Brontosaurus sippy cups will be on every hipster's christmas list.

Of course, it's all in poor taste, but when does that stop people.

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