MCU X-Men: 10 Costumes Marvel MUST Use
7. Nightcrawler - Red

Kurt Wagner, the incredible Nightcrawler, is one of the best X-Men going. For years, the fuzzy blue elf has distinguished himself as one of the bravest X-Men in the business, and though Fox's films have largely managed to translate that aspect of the character to the big screen, their depiction has been found wanting in several aspects.
Whether it was the lack of attention paid to his comradeship with Wolverine or the fact that X2 had him in actual pyjamas for its entire running time, audiences just haven't seen Nightcrawler as he should be. Granted the look being optioned in this list is a fairly recent one, but still, Wagner has been wearing a red outfit for years now - there was precedent at the time to make him much brighter than he was in live action.
Tom Taylor and Mahmud Asrar's X-Men: Red was one of the best X-books of recent years, and though it doesn't owe all its success to Asrar's decision to give Nightcrawler a beard, it certainly didn't hurt it either.
Needless to say, if the next Nightcrawler doesn't have facial hair, Marvel are clearly missing a trick.