New York Comic Con 2017: 10 Major Anouncements That Must Happen

6. More Details On Avengers: No Surrender

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Marvel Comics/Alex Ross

Among the latest titles to have been announced by Marvel this week is Avengers: No Surrender, an Avengers ongoing written by Mark Waid, Al Ewing and Jim Zub that will draw together every Avengers team currently going, including the Uncanny Avengers, The Avengers, and the U.S. Avengers (who knew there were so many of them?).

Pepe Larraz will handle art duties for the first month, before the title rotates to Kim Jacinto and later Paco Medina. And yeah, it sounds dead interesting, really. Read ahead to see what Marvel Editor Tom Brevoort had to say in the book's press release:

“The Earth has been stolen! That’s the kickoff to the wildest AVENGERS epic ever put to paper, a widescreen adventure with a massive cast and an unlimited budget... Avengers past and present will be called upon to cope with a threat spanning out of the pages of MARVEL LEGACY #1. And like that oversized special, there’s a huge character return or two along the way that fans have been asking for—and one that they didn’t even know they wanted!”

Then there's this tease as well, which gives a semi-decent idea of what the series will entail come January:

"From Falcon to Black Panther to the mysterious Voyager, NO SURRENDER will see an appearance from every current Avenger – those we know and love and those we’ve never heard of. But what happens when Lethal Legion and the Black Order battle their way across the Earth? Most importantly, how will this new incarnation of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes come together to fight one of the biggest threats the world has ever seen? This is just the beginning, but there’s so much more to come."

Obviously we won't be expecting to see these big reveals at NYCC (because they'll most likely come in a spoilerific article a week ahead of the book's release), but it would be nice to hear more from Waid on co. about the project over the convention period, especially if we learn anything new about Voyager's role in the conflict at hand.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.