1. Robert Redfords Lack Of Nomination Calls To Question The Integrity Of It All
All Is Lost isnt one of those films that you expect to go onto great things at major awards ceremonies. Its an art-house concept movie that does everything it possibly can with its great idea, but has one particular element that requires recognition. Robert Redford plays an unnamed man sailing in the Indian Ocean who suffers threat after threat, with increasingly life-threatening consequences. Its an unshowy performance with unshowy direction, yet with that creates an utterly compelling picture that feels like a grounded, narratively stronger companion to Gravity. Of course it wasnt really ever going to get many nominations (Best Sound Editing is inconsequential), but there is a distinct sense that while J. C. Candor wont be too disappointed to see the miss out on Best Director or Best Picture, the Academy have committed a major crime. Redford delivered the best performance in any motion picture last year, as fully believable in the stunt work as the internal moments, while squeezing every ounce of compassion he could with a totally naturalistic performance. Having only won one Oscar (and that was for directing) this was the perfect opportunity to honour his career (if the lone performance wasnt reason enough to give him the award). Instead we get Christian Bale in a wig. What shocked you most about the awards nominations? Get discussing down in the comments.