Oscar 2014 Nominations: 9 Big Surprises (And 1 We Should Have Seen Coming)

3. 12 Years A Slave Doesn€™t Lead The Pack

The biggest unspoken surprise of this awards season is Gravity. A technical marvel that comes from a perpetually ignored genre, not even the most optimistic pundit would have expected it's box office success and subsequent nomination haul. Tied for highest number of nominations with American Hustle at ten (although the latter has more nods in the serious categories), the Oscar favourites this year seem to also be the ones connecting with audiences at the box office as much as critics. 12 Years A Slave sits one nomination behind on nine, which would be impressive if it wasn't the conventional favourite. Dealing with a serious subject and boasting everything a typical winner would, it enters the Oscars as second fiddle. Part to do with the award€™s bid to feel relevant (12 Years may be astounding, but calling a film 'one of the best ever made' can be imposing to audiences), part to do with how much publicity is behind it, to not see it lead by miles is certainly unexpected

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.