Ranking All The New Movie Trailers From Worst To Best
4. Jurassic World
There is a lot going on in Jurassic World. Like Batman V Superman (let's add Batman, and Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, and Lex Luthor) and Terminator Genisys (it's a reboot, sequel, twist and remake all wrapped up in one), it's a movie with more components to it than a dinosaur fossil; you have an open park, a hybrid dinosaur that can communicate with other prehistoric beasts and Chris Pratt commanding raptors. Jurassic World, however, has a distinct advantage over the competition in this regard. Jurassic Park films have never been too much about the plot - Spielberg's original is a pinnacle of blockbuster filmmaking, but its basic narrative can be summed up in one line - instead, they're at their best when they're trading in pure spectacle. This means World can flirt with its many new components without it feeling like the the film is being spoiled in any conceivable way - it's all about the ride. There's still question marks left over the movie though. One thing that isn't present in the trailer, and really needs to be for the film to work, is some semblance of self-awareness. The Indominus Rex was created in-film to reignite excitement in an old idea, a direct parallel to why it was made for the movie in the first place. If Colin Trevorrow doesn't acknowledge that in some form, he and his film risk coming across rather po-faced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJJrkyHas78