Ranking March 2018's Movies From Worst To Best

7. Game Night

Game Night Jason Bateman Rachel McAdams Kyle Chandler
Warner Bros.

RottenTomatoes Score: 82% (6.8/10)

Box Office: Mediocre marketing disadvantaged this one out of the gate, but strong reviews and word-of-mouth have helped its momentum carry, grossing almost $100 million against its $37 million budget to date.

This is a perfect example of a "wait for VOD" movie you don't need to see on the big screen, though, so it's easy to imagine it making much more money then.

Verdict: Perhaps the year's most pleasant surprise so far, Game Night makes the most of its kooky premise thanks to a fantastically game cast, tenacious direction and a script that's both hilarious and full of believable characters.

Don't be surprised if this ends up one of the most revered cult comedies of the 2010s.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.