Ranking May 2018's Movies From Worst To Best

3. Tully

Tully Charlize Theron Mackenzie Davis
Focus Features

RottenTomatoes Score: 87% (7.7/10)

Box Office: While clearly made at little cost, the Charlize Theron-starring dramedy has grossed just $11.6 million to date. VOD will help it out, but it's not a hit.

Verdict: A spectacular return to form for director Jason Reitman (Up in the Air, Young Adult) and writer Diablo Cody (Juno), Tully gives Charlize Theron one of the strongest roles of her career in a deeply authentic movie about the toils of motherhood.

Though a certain third-act reveal won't work for everyone, the overall two-hander between Theron and co-star Mackenzie Davis is a charming, honest paean to womanhood in all its forms. If it were released later in the year, Theron would most certainly be a strong Best Actress Oscar contender.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.