Ranking The X-Men Movie Villains - From Worst To Best

5. Sebastian Shaw

As previously mentioned, X-Men: First Class was a return to form for the franchise after a couple of muddled entries, with the younger cast of James MacAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence bringing new life to the series. As such, the highlight of the film wasn€™t the villain but more how his actions brought our heroes together. Still, Sebastian Shaw is a slick yet loathsome bad guy. A man who glides through both World War II and the Cold War without a care for the causalities he creates €“ killing Erik€™s mother just to test out his powers like it's nothing. Fitting the film's 1960s aesthetic, he's like an old-fashioned Bond villain who just happens to be a mutant. Kevin Bacon's slimy performance ensures that you are cheering while you wince when Magneto finally gets his revenge and sends a coin through Shaw's brain.
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