Star Trek: 10 Exact Moments We Knew These Characters Were Doomed

8. Sobor - The Changing Face Of Evil

Olsen Star Trek

Sobor was that stuffy kind of monk who, despite being absolutely zero fun to be around, had a kindly heart. He was essentially the last truly good Bajoran religious figure seen on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Therefore, knowing that he was in such proximity to Kai Winn and, though disguised as Anjol Tenan, Gul Dukat as well, was enough to leave any viewer with a sinking feeling.

Things come to a head in The Changing Face Of Evil. By this point, Dukat and Winn have gathered the books on both the Pah-Wraiths, and Kosst Amojen specifically, to them in her chambers. While she sleeps, Sobor attempts to remove them, only to be struck by Dukat.

This blow is enough to secure Sobor the DNA to identify the former commandant of Bajor, and expose him to Winn. It's far too late, as Winn has sunk so deeply. From the moment he steps through the doors, that confident grin on his face, ready to out the pair of them as devil worshippers, the audience knows the game is up for Sobor. Within moments, Winn has plunged a knife into his back - giving them the blood that they need to make the text of the Kosst Amojen visible.

Tough break, Sobor.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick