Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 9 “Spoilers” We Already Know Are Lies

4. The 2014 "Story Leak"

Late in 2014 a writer dubbed €œSpoiler Man€ €“ who claimed to be a Lucasfilm employee €“ started posting in-depth breakdowns of the plot of The Force Awakens. He revealed the setting, the character€™s names and what seemed to be massive plot spoilers. Lucasfilm wouldn€™t comment on his claims one way or another, which only added to the speculation. The credibility of his story immediately died when further plot details were officially released, which contradicted most of what he said. He called Finn €œDeak€ and Rey €œKira€, and he claimed that Adam Driver would be playing a hotshot rebel pilot. As he€™s playing Kylo Ren, this seems unlikely. The post was clearly the work of an overeager fan, who spent a little too long looking at the first teaser trailer and constructed his own story about it.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.