Star Wars: The High Republic - 10 Things The New Saga Must Include
2. Explain The Existance Of The Sith Eternal
The Rise Of Skywalker's ending revealed that good old Emperor Palpatine had a fairly big helping hand during his sabbatical he took from cackling in his chair ruling the galaxy.
The Sith Eternal appeared as this cult of shadowy, cloaked figures who made up the audience in the background of the film's climactic battle, but were they actually real or just Sith style Force ghosts?
Recently, it has been confirmed that the Sith Eternal was a cult of corporal beings in spite of their spectre-like appearance, and that they had been the ones on Exegol helping Palpatine this whole tim,e as well as being the support behind the Final Order.
Not much is known about them other than that, but their addition causes yet more lore problems because their very existence technically counter-acts the entire Sith dogma of The Rule Of Two.
Whilst the cult are probably not force-users and just zealots who are well on board with Sith ideals, how could they have existed this whole time without anyone else knowing about them. Did they remain a separate entity to the Sith throughout the last millennia, or are they just Palpatine's personal creation?
The idea of the Sith having their own shadowy cult since their disappearance does seem interesting, and could also help explain how they managed to both hide and claw their way back to the top in the Phantom Menace. The High Republic could be the perfect chance to elaborate on this.