Stargate SG-1 Cast: Where Are They Now?

17. Ronny Cox

Stargate Sg1

Senator Kinsey was the man they all loved to hate. He was a constant enemy of the Stargate program, though unlike his Goa'uld counterparts, his tactics were political, aiming to end the program through shutting down funding (as well as threatening the people involved).

Ronny Cox was no stranger to villains in his career, having appeared as the main antogonist in Robocop, as well as the anti-hero Edward Jellico in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Since the end of his arc on SG-1, he has gone on to appear in many different television and film projects, though these days he would be better known as a musician. He turns down most acting jobs offered to him as he prefers to tour with his band - a tour he takes to Ireland annually. A slightly happier ending for the actor than his character received!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick