Steven Spielberg: EVERY Movie Ranked Worst To Best

14. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (1977)

ET The Extra Terrestrial
Columbia Pictures

Still fairly regarded as one of the greatest sci-fi blockbusters of all time, Close Encounters of the Third Kind sees a marriage between Spielberg's child-like wonder and his knack for excellent, often heartbreaking storytelling.

Starring Richard Dreyfuss as a man obsessed with UFOs and using special effects far ahead of their time, Close Encounters is one of Spielberg's most imaginative films, but also one of his most successful from a directing standpoint.

What lets it down slightly is how detached from the family aspects of the story Spielberg seems to be, focussing more on the effects and the themes of creation and other-worldly life rather than finding an adequate emotional anchor.

Still, it's visually stunning and remains an all-time classic of cinema, and it's easy to see why even 43 years later.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.