The Batman: 10 Characters The Arkham Asylum TV Show Should Introduce

1. Jeremiah Arkham

The Batman Arkham
DC Comics

Arkham Asylum has a lot of corrupt employees, but Jeremiah Arkham might just be the worst.

As warden of the asylum, one might think Jeremiah Arkham would be a little more sane than the inmates left in his care. However, much like his uncle, Amadeus Arkham, he is a mentally ill man who ignores the diagnoses of multiple doctors, allowing his own insanity to fester and consumer him. He eventually becomes the second Black Mask, recruiting multiple former patients to work for him.

Jeremiah could act as a catalyst for showing the past of the asylum, including his uncle's time as warden. Matt Reeves' The Batman revealed that Martha Wayne, mother of Bruce Wayne, was born an Arkham, sharing the same mental instabilities of the Arkhams in the comics. The implications of this creates a fascinating new dynamic between Gotham's defender and the warden of Arkham; somehow, Bruce Wayne and Jeremiah Arkham are related. While the exact details of that relationship are unclear, the connection is there.

Introducing Jeremiah now and depicting his struggles with sanity might possibly set him up as a villain in the future, perhaps in the final movie of Matt Reeves' proposed trilogy. Not only could they play with the family connection, but having the warden free his own patients and forcing Batman to endure a gauntlet of supervillains could make for an intense, brutal finale.


Seth Copeland hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.