X-Men: 10 Actors Who Could Play The MCU's Cyclops

7. Scott Eastwood

Cyclops X-Men

Scott for Scott? Yeah, that seems fair.

The son of the legendary Clint Eastwood feels like a clear-cut choice for a Marvel superhero. He's never been given a chance to prove himself fully, so taking on a significant role like this would be sink or swim. Still, the MCU hasn't gotten to where it is today by taking the safe route.

This isn't the first time someone has pointed out Eastwood's potential as a Marvel character. There's even been plenty of buzz around him taking on another member of the X-Men, that being Wolverine. Still, while he'd do well in that role, he has a classic all-American vibe, which makes him great for Scott Summers too.

Eastwood has a typical leading man look which would play really well into Cyclops. He is physically impressive and could stand over all the other characters as a strong, decisive leader among the mutants. But alongside that comes a slight reservation and stoniness which could add some variety to the team.

He'd be a dependable hero type to play against the more wild and raucous mutants, and while this might make him seem dull, it could position him as the anchor of the team.

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