X-Men: 10 Massive Questions About Its Confusing Canon
7. What Remains Of Wolverine's Backstory?
Wolverines backstory was explored in depth in both X-Men 2 and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Although those films dont perfectly mirror each other, they at least agree on the basic facts that Hugh Jackmans Logan was experimented on by William Stryker, who endowed him with an Adamantium skeleton and wiped him of his memories as part of the Weapon X programme. However, the events of X-Men: Days Of Future Past saw the Wolverine of 2023 sending his mind back to 1973, a time when he still had bone claws and hadnt yet been subjected to Stryker's experiments. And judging by the scene at the end of the film when Mystique poses as Stryker and rescues 1973 Wolverine from the riverbed theres a chance that he never will be. So, how much of the established Wolverine backstory still stands? Does this 1973 version of Wolverine remember all the details of his past, including his childhood, his brother Sabretooth, and all the battles that they fought together during the early scenes of X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Wouldn't these memories make him a rather different man to one that audiences got to know in the original trilogy? Perhaps X-Men: Apocalypse or The Wolverine 3 will provide some answers to these questions. In the meantime, another big one has presented itself