X-Men: 10 Massive Questions About Its Confusing Canon

5. What€™s The Deal With Professor X€™s Paralysis?

Fox€™s lax approach to continuity means that James McAvoy€™s Charles Xavier was crippled in 1962 during X-Men: First Class, despite the fact that fans had already seen Patrick Stewart€™s version walking around during a 1980s flashback scene from X-Men: The Last Stand and the final moments of X-Men Origins: Wolverine (which must take place around 1980 as well). €œMcAvoy or Stewart?€ gets a big laugh in Deadpool, but €œIs he still walking or not?€ would be just as difficult a question for Fox and their scriptwriters to answer. They tried to remedy this error somewhat in Days Of Future Past by introducing the idea of a drug that could cure Charles€™ paralysis but dampens his mind-reading powers in the process. This doesn€™t really solve the problem at all, though, as Charles walks and uses his telepathy in quick succession in both The Last Stand and Origins: Wolverine (consequently, the fact that Hank created a power-dampening drug back in the 1970s renders the whole €˜mutant cure€™ thing from 2006€™s The Last Stand a little moot... couldn't Rogue just use that drug and not have to choose between Bobby and her powers?). The question of when Charles was actually permanently wheelchair-bound is sure to be answered in X-Men: Apocalypse. But fans will probably never get an explanation €“ besides €˜the original trilogy are in an irrelevant timeline now, so it doesn€™t matter€™ €“ as to why Stewart€™s version of Charles was able to walk and use his powers simultaneously in the 1980s.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.