X-Men: 7 Best & 7 Worst Casting Decisions In The Franchise So Far

5. Omahyra - Arclight (X-Men: The Last Stand)

You could be forgiven for thinking that the part of Arclight, who has the suspiciously helpful and even more suspiciously specific mutation of being able to make plastic guns explode was actually played by Prince in a string vest in The Last Stand, but you'd be wrong. Instead the mutant who forms part of the secondary, and largely superfluous (apart from a handy knack of having the perfect mutations needed to advance the plot) was played by a model with a look of Rihanna and similar acting skills, and she justifiably disappeared into the background - yet another casualty of bad casting and improper character balance. That casting wouldn't have been out of place though, considering Omahyra seems to have been cast simply because she looks a bit odd - which seems to be the same basis that her modelling career was based on as well - and could thus sell the idea of mutation easily.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.