X-Men: 7 Best & 7 Worst Casting Decisions In The Franchise So Far

3. Daniel Cudmore - Colossus (X2 Onwards)

It is perhaps a little unfair to suggest that Daniel Cudmore's presence in the X-Men film universe is as toxic as some of the others on this list, but it is probably the most baffling of all the casting decisions. For X2, he was clearly brought in to play the supporting character of Piotr Rasputin because he had the right look, with precisely zero expectations that he would be required to do much acting, which was fine. He was mostly just there for muscle, so his low impact beyond his aesthetics was entirely justifiable in the interest of making a statement; but then as the franchise continued and Colossus became part of the actual X-Men team in The Last Stand and Days of Future Past, his casting began to look increasingly ropey. Despite his suitability to play the character in physical terms, Cudmore is not exactly an actor, and his necessarily one-dimensional performance as Colossus throughout the series has added very little at all. He is no more than good-looking furniture, to be carried by the rest of the cast, all of whom have grown in stature and comfort with their characters. But as a mark of his lack of progression, Colossus - who should have been a great character - ended up feeling like a tertiary player, even behind the new villains Blink and Warpath

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