X-Men: 7 Best & 7 Worst Casting Decisions In The Franchise So Far

2. Vinnie Jones - Juggernaut/Cain Marko (X-Men: The Last Stand)

X-Men: The Last Stand is not as terrible as you remember it; it's just that the enduring moments are so horrible that memories of anything else tend to evaporate in their wake, so the film is reduced down to an endless montage of Omahyra and her string vest, the silly stunt-work and more than anything, of Vinnie Jones showing precisely why his "renaissance" as an action actor after his football career ended was so misguided. For reasons known only to himself, Brett Ratner clearly took Juggernaut's familial link to Charles Xavier in the comics as justification to cast a British actor, but seems to have gone looking for a suitable candidate when everyone was busy doing something else, and was forced to cast from the dregs. So instead of CGI enhancing a good, or at least charismatic actor (like the woefully under-used Eric Dane, who had little to do other than look pretty multiple times), we got a C-Movie actor/sportsman, wrongly imbued with the direction that he should be the funniest character in the film. And it turned out as horribly as that sounds.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.