If this article was a true reflection of how awful some of these worst casting decisions turned out to be, Halle Berry would appear in this list three or four times (to be fair, she didn't exactly do a great deal in Days Of Future Past, and we at least got to see her shish-kebabed). But taken as a whole, Berry's Storm is stunted, boring and can't seem to decide from which country she's supposed to hail. The script might not be overly kind to her in the sequels, or in Days Of Future Past - which saw her role diminish thanks to pregnancy - but there is nothing in her first appearance in the character that offers hints of why she should have been given more responsibility. Despite having one of the most intriguing mutants to play, Berry's performance is simply not interesting or engaging, and her painful delivery of the infamous Toads In Lightning line is the crown on top of her awfulness. Which are your favourite and least favourite casting decisions in the X-Men movie franchise? Share your picks below in the comments thread.