X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Mutants It Should Introduce
6. Adam X The X-Treme
What's his deal: Close your eyes and count backwards to the nineties. Picture the average superhero created during this era. Congratulations! You just created Adam X The X-Treme. The bad news is you have to share that credit with Fabian Nicieza and Tony Daniel. The worse news is that Adam X The X-Treme is terrible. If his backwards baseball cap and sleeveless shirt didn't tip you off, the mutant ability Adam X possesses is the final clue that he comes from the most extreme era in comics history: he can ignite the oxygen in another person's blood. Why should he appear: Reports that the X in Adam X stands for X-Games are unconfirmed, but unsurprising. Adam X The X-Treme is an absolute joke, a footnote in X-Men comics history most people think best left forgotten. But again, he's very close to being era-appropriate, and anything that will cause Marvel to reprint some Adam X-centric stories as a tie-in...
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/