X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Mutants It Should Introduce
5. Beak
What's his deal: Introduced during Grant Morrison's brilliant run on New X-Men, Beak is one of the more unfortunate recipients of the mutant gene. Where others get rad powers that either don't harm or in some cases improve their appearance, he looks like a bird. That's kind of it. He has the eyes of a bird, feathers, those weird backwards chicken legs, and a big old honkin' Beak. Despite all that he fares pretty well at the Xavier School, initially bullied before shacking up with another pupil. And then having loads of weird babies. That was less cool. There was also a brief period where, with tutoring, he learned to fly with his wings, but it didn't last. Why should he appear: The movie X-Men are way too pretty. That's an issue with the main stars of the comic books, too, but it's especially egregious when it comes to the films. Who could possibly fear and hate a team that includes hunks like Hugh Jackman and Nicolas Hoult? You need a couple who look actually monstrous. Like Beak. Give something for the make up department to do other than sticking blue things to Jennifer Lawrence, anyway.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/