X-Men: Apocalypse - 11 Things To Expect Now We've Seen Days Of Future Past

3. The Appearance Of Cyclops

While the epilogue of Days Of Future Past might have felt like a self-congratulatory sequence in which Singer celebrated wiping out the worst parts of the X-Men franchise, and glorifying his own versions of the characters, but it actually served a higher purpose. Not only did it offer a satisfactory full-stop for the original X-Men cast, it also showed Singer's intent to dedicate himself once more to the characters he deemed the most important in the first two movies. While Brett Ratner was happy enough to wipe Cyclops off the face of the franchise in order to facilitate Wolverine becoming more important, Singer initially introduced the character as the X-Men's captain, and the Days Of Future Past cameo shifted the timeline back to that point, where he remains the alpha male, and not the blunted weapon he would become. It's worth remembering that it was Singer who wrote Cyclops as one of Xavier's first students - along with Storm and Jean Grey - and the script of DOFP meant that that could now become true again, since Xavier is now able to rebuild his school from the ground. Singer has already intimated that Apocalypse will shift the setting to the 1980s, which means we could easily see a younger version of Scott Summers brought in, without compromising the epilogue of Days Of Future Past, as well as appearances for Storm (who got a cameo nod in First Class) and Jean Grey.

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