Everything seems to point to the fact that Wolverine is going to be a bad guy in Apocalypse. We already know that Mystique has her hands on him, and even though she was forced to save the President and not execute Trask in DOFP, she's clearly not a good guy anymore than Magneto is, so she's likely to be poisoning Wolverine. At this stage in the film timeline, Wolverine has no idea what just happened: he's just woken up under water, with a big hole in his memory thanks to the brain vacation future Wolverine just took in his head, and we already know that he's something of a disaffected loner (based on his sweary cameo in First Class). All Mystique has to do is tell him how Xavier basically used him as a puppet, and she had to save him, and his path is set to becoming one of Apocalypse's henchmen. We need Wolverine as a villain: we've seen everything else in his story arc, and with Hugh Jackman presumably continuing as the character (hopefully) it would be a good fit to have a curve ball thrown in. And the basically immortal mutant is exactly the kind of key to adding the signficant threat to the X-Men that is needed to amp the stakes up for the sequel. What do you think will happen in X-Men: Apocalypse? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.