X-Men: Apocalypse - 11 Things To Expect Now We've Seen Days Of Future Past
11. The Trigger Event
Now that it has been firmly established by the post-credits scene of Days Of Future Past that the title of the next X-Men movie conclusively refers to Apocalypse himself and not simply a general apocalyptic event, and that Singer has followed the comics closely in establishing the ancient mutant's origin story, it seems obvious that he will also draw from the comics to explain his re-awakening. There are a number of possibilities here: Singer could go with the Legion storyline, and have Xavier's son travel back in time to kill Magneto for accidentally killing his father, which would have the added benefit of allowing more significant screen-time for Bishop who plays a key role in the Age Of Apocalypse arc. But then we've already seen time travel, and a would-be assassin, the death of Xavier and Magneto changing allegiance to fight a grave foe already, so that arc might not be the one we see at all. Alternatively, we could see Apocalypse as the watcher, who sees mutant-kind as fundamentally weakened by the allegiance with humans in the wake of Mystique's rescue of Nixon, and drawn to invade and return the mutants to their rightful place at the top of the food chain. That seems a more likely approach than bringing in Legion, or alternatively introducing Onslaught (which would require some odd astral merging of Magneto and Xavier's souls, which aren't removed from their bodies) at this stage. Singer has already confirmed that the events of DOFP will cause Apocalypse to happen, so it seems most likely that this is the intended arc. Of course, there is another option, which would see the introduction of another fan favourite X-Men character...