X-Men: Apocalypse - 9 Reasons To Be Excited

8. The Nuclear Fear Of The '80s Setting

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20th Century Fox

The last 2 X-Men movies had a lot of fun with the '60s and '70s time periods, and Singer seems to be fully embracing Apocalypse's '80s setting. Some behind-the-scenes pics of the likes of Sophie Turner (Jean Grey) and Lana Condor (Jubilee) feature the garish colours and high hair associated with the era, but there are also ways in which the decade could inform the movie's plot. 

It's easy to forget that during the '80s people were living with a very real nuclear threat hanging over their heads, and just as Matthew Vaughn used the Cuban Missile Crises as  a real-world basis for the climactic events of First Class, expect Singer to do the same.

He will likely translate the uncertainty and apprehension of possible nuclear war to the looming fear of the Apocalypse character. The director actually released a behind-the-scenes still of Scott and Alex Summer's parents waiting their TV with the caption: "The end of the world as they know it." 

Plus, there's the potential for a damn fine soundtrack.


Freelance writer/editor/reviewer. Resides in Ireland, where it rains 11 out 12 months of the year, and the grumpy bastard wouldn't have it any other way. He has a passion for all things film and comic related, and also dabbles in amateur film making, screenwriting and photography.