X-Men: Apocalypse - 15 Questions Left By The Stupidest X-Movie Ever
11. Why Did Apocalypse Pick These As His Henchmen?
Because he's a stickler for tradition, before enacting his big, evil plan (oh, and don't worry, I'll get to that), Apocalypse assembles his four horsemen (of the Apocalypse, geddit?) - Storm, Psylocke, Angel and Magneto. It's an imposing, colourful quartet, but aside from convenience or loyalty (which we know Apocalypse isn't game for) there's no real reason to settle for this line-up.
He just happens across Storm straight after awaking, fair enough, but her powers can do little to aid him. Psylocke at leasthas information of where other key mutants are, but her big contribution to the team in that regard is Angel, who is an injured, drunken mess when they find him and adds next to nothing once he goes Arch (after all, Storm can fly, so they cancel each other out).
While En Sabah Nur's getting his bearings, these choices make sense, but when it gets to destroying the world, Magneto's the only one who's actually useful, so why not ditch the dead weight and go find some other, better henchmen? Surely there'd be more than four anti-human mutants who'd want get behind the cause. And, unless there's a limit on the number of special suits he can make, why even limit himself to four anyway?