10 Best Mac Video Games Of 2016

7. The Banner Saga 2

Mac video games

The original Banner Saga, which is also available for Mac, came out a couple of years ago. Despite being the creation of just three people the game was highly rated. The second game in the eventual trilogy offers more of the same turn-based combat and interactive story with some new elements thrown in.

This role-playing game is a great addition to the Mac gaming library. If you are familiar with games such as Final Fantasy Tactics, you’ll get on great with this style of gameplay. The game allows you to create a team of complimentary characters to do your bidding in turn-based combat. While the combat is enjoyable, it's the story that makes this mythology worth playing.

The interactive narrative forces you to make difficult decisions throughout the campaign, with decisions you make affecting the outcome of each situation, so it is important to choose wisely.
