10 Best Stories That ONLY Work As Video Games

1. What Remains Of Edith Finch

Mass Effect 2
Giant Sparrow

This is one of those games that you can whip out in any debate over video games being considered art. Because if someone can sit through this magnificent piece of work and still claim that gaming doesn't deserve its place on that pedestal, then they're either lying or more stubborn than a toddler who doesn't want to eat their broccoli.

The story follows as you read a letter from the titular Edith Finch and take control over her. You explore her childhood home and experience various gameplay moments relating to each of her family members, witnessing how they died and unlocking the mysteries of the "Finch family curse". It ends with the reveal that Edith has herself died, and the person reading the letter (you) is her son.

It's easy to chuck out words like emotional, beautiful and poignant with this one. The genius of it comes from how each segment fully reflects the character you're meeting, from Barbara's B-movie horror to Gregory's bright and imaginative bath. Through this you understand the characters, are constantly given fresh gameplay and piece together the narrative in a unique only achievable in a video game.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!