10 Brilliant Video Games With TERRIBLE Endings
5. Dark Souls
It only makes sense that a series whose approach to storytelling can be summed up as noncommittal at the best of times, isn't really the best at making an ending.
Ask anyone who never got into Dark Souls (and even some fans) what their problem with the game's story is, and you'll usually get the same answer: nothing you do really matters. And they aren't wrong, as the game's ending so helpfully demonstrates. At the end of it all, you aren't really accomplishing or changing anything. You're just prolonging an already S$!&*# world state where everyone is either dead or insane, because the alternative is removing the latter of those two so that everything is just dead.
Nihilism can be fun if played for a joke, but if you're actually trying to make a point, and the only point you can make is pointlessness, that doesn't exactly make you smart. You can make a dark depressing story without making it utterly pointless, just look at Sekiro, which is just as dark, but is actually about something.