10 Broken Video Games That Fans Had To Fix
1. Far Cry
The original 2004 Far Cry is a practically modest shooter compared to what the franchise quickly mutated into, and though the game is still much-loved by fans, for more than a decade the PC version came complete with a baffling, immersion-annihilating bug.
The bug allowed A.I. enemies to not only spot the player through tents but also shoot through them, effectively breaking the game's stealth and combat systems in two and causing a major headache.
The glitch was first created as a result of the game's official 1.4 patch in 2006, and despite much fan protest, an official patch for the nagging issue was never released.
Fans released their own patches to fix this seemingly simple issue, though it wasn't until 2019, some 13 years after the bug was first introduced, that the bugfix was made official, being bungled with GOG releases of the game.
And like that, a great if fundamentally flawed game just got a little bit better.