Another year of video games have passed and with it, another year of controversy. Its nothing to be necessarily ashamed about because realistically every entertainment medium has their rotten apples, but its baffling all the same. Some of the incidents truly came out of left field too, and as I look back on the moments I have hand-picked one of two things always comes to mind; A: what were the corporations thinking or B: why is this even causing an uproar. Seriously, a good chunk of this article is me telling everyone to quit crying on their soapbox for attention and internet fame. These moments range from developer deception, to corporations screwing over consumers, to next generation battles, and more. In all honesty there are probably tons more out there but these are the 10 that still after one long year- stick out at the front of my mind. It truly is a riot reflecting on these shenanigans and I sincerely hope you enjoy it (and get mad all over again). Click Next to begin!