10 Disgusting Mortal Kombat X Fatalities

8. Sub-Zero Pokes His Opponent In The Eye


Sub-Zero is the only Kombatant to appear in every iteration of the Mortal Kombat franchise, and it's no wonder. Scorpion may be the face of the series, but Sub-Zero cooly upstages him (pun intended) at every turn. Especially in Mortal Kombat X; those ice attacks have never looked more beautiful.

Sub-Zero's Fatality is a perfect example of taking it there - it's bad enough to impale someone on a bed of ice spikes, but it's another thing to impale someone's eye, and have its optic nerve curl around a spike. So gross.


Kevin is an AP English Language teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. His focus is on American pop culture and American issues. He wrote a weekly column for Complex called "Throwback Thursdays," which spotlighted video games and trends from previous console generations. Kevin has also been published in VIBE, Salon, PopMatters, Joystiq, and Racialicious. Follow him on Twitter to learn more.