10 Disturbing Video Game Twists That Came Out Of NOWHERE

9. Joker Was Clayface - Batman: Arkham City

Walking dead

With Arkham City featuring a version of the Joker who was still was and truly messed up from doing the super-steroid Titan at the end of the first game, a fight with him seemed well and truly off the table. After all, for most of the plot of City he's less a legitimately intimidating figure and more a campaign to teach gamers about the danger of drug use.

But, in the final fight it's revealed that the alabaster jester prepared a special surprise, in the form of a doppelganger replacing him.

Said doppelganger is none other than Clayface, who's used his shapeshifting powers to disguise himself as your favourite clown enemy for most of the game. Though some clever gamers may have used their detective vision earlier on in the game to work this out (because the Clay-Joker doesn't have bones), many fans only found this out when Clayface revealed his true form to fight them.


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