10 Exciting 2017 Video Games Nobody Is Talking About

4. Night In The Woods

night in the woods
Infinite Fall

Looking like a children's book come to life, Night in the Woods sees the main character Mae moving back into her hometown of Possum Springs, which is full of anthropomorphic animal citizens. After Mae begins to get settled into life within the town, she discovers a dark mystery that implicates the entire town of Possum Springs.

The game's lead gameplay designer describes it as a game in which you "explore, converse, and see and touch." Night in the Wood is undoubtedly narrative-heavy, but with the story's adventurous/mysterious focus, it allows the game to stand out from the typical point-and-click format these games usually adopt.The side-scrolling gameplay and colorful personalities of the town's citizens ensures an endlessly enjoyable experience.

A Kickstarter-backed game, Night in the Woods released on PS4 and PC to great critical reviews, illustrating how the game's sharp writing and visually-engaging art style has caught on with both financial backers and critics. If you feel like following Mae down a path darker than expected, then Night in the Woods will be a particularly memorable gameplay experience for you.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.