10 Infuriating Video Game Bosses NOBODY Beat First Time - Commenters' Edition

1. Sans - Undertale (2015)

Witcher 3 dettlaff
Toby Fox

The ultimate twist with this entry is that Sans is not an evil character at all. In fact, he's one of your closest allies - unless you decide to play the villain, in which case he makes sure you know what you've done. And boy, do you start to regret it.

He's named for the Comic Sans font that his dialogue is written is, but in no way does that make him boring or generic. If the player goes down the Genocide Route, Sans will appear mid-way through the game with the warning, "if you keep going the way you are now...you're gonna have a bad time."

When you continue on to the end, finding him waiting there makes you wonder instantly why you didn't take his advice. The fight demands an almost unfeasible level of dexterity from the player and their helpless little SOUL cursor.

Sans will dodge every single one of your attacks - assuming you even live long enough to launch them - and becomes vulnerable only when he falls asleep from the fatigue.

If you even blink while fighting this boss, your SOUL has basically had it. To make matters worse, in-game text taunts you by describing him as "The easiest enemy. Can only deal 1 damage." No way did anyone beat this guy in less than a thousand attempts.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.