10 Massively Misleading Trailers NOTHING Like The Final Game

4. Brütal Legend

Brutal Legend
Double Fine

If you know anything about Brütal Legend it’s that the game stars Jack Black, it’s an ode to heavy metal, and it’s an action game where you run in and hit things with your giant axe, right?

Well you’re right on the first two but you’d be forgiven for assuming the third given that publisher Vivendi absolutely buried the lead that the game was more of a real-time strategy. That’s because they thought a hack-and-slash game would sell better, which would be fine if that's what they actually had on their hands. The trailers absolutely make it look like the game is a fast-paced action romp, and the publisher even released a demo that led players to believe the combat would be more hack-and-slash oriented than it is. You have to feel bad for the players who ran into battle head-first and couldn’t figure out why they kept dying.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not saying the game is bad, but the effort that went into trying to frame the game as something that it wasn’t in pre-release trailers was remarkably weird.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.