10 Most Disgusting Creatures In Fallout History

6. Mirelurks

fallout 76

Look, Mirelurks are bad enough already. These horrible mutated crab-humanoid things love to lurk near bodies of water and love to scuttle towards you waving their too many legs and massive pincers.

Then there's the Mirelurk Kings too. These are much more human-like than the standard Mirelurk with terrifying deformed human faces and the ability to scream right in your face when antagonised.

In fact there are loads of different variants of Mirelurks, each of them as horrifying as the last. There's ones infected with Nuka Cola that glow blue, creepy Mirelurk hatchlings and even more aggressive variants known as Mirelurk Hunters.

In Fallout lore, Mirelurks are said to the very first mutated creatures to drag their horrible selves out of the swamps of the Wasteland. The mutations actually began long before the bombs dropped, as megacorporations were dumping radioactive pollution into the waters of the world.

The very worst of the lot is the Mirelurk Queen. Appearing in Fallout 4, the Mirelurk Queen is about four times the size of the standard Mirelurk, extremely dangerous and is none too happy about you invading her territory.

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.