10 Post-Credit Video Game Scenes You Shouldn't Have Missed - Commenter Edition

5. Titanfall 2 - BT Is Still Alive?!

Titanfall 2 BT

Titanfall 2 tells the love story of one talented pilot and his charming robot mech. Jack Cooper is the former and BT-7274 the latter, with the campaign of Respawn's sequel seeing the two shoot their way through a surprisingly engaging FPS plot.

All jokes aside, you do genuinely come to care about your robotic companion, and the devs were clearly expecting you to, because they kill off BT towards the end of the game. His sacrifice allows Cooper to finish his mission and live to see another day.

It all seems pretty straightforward come the credits, but of course there is one final tease that comes once the names have all scrolled by. Here, a morse-code encrypted message arrives suggesting that BT could still be 'alive' in one form or another, with parts of his AI being tucked away somewhere on a server.

With Apex Legends and Jedi: Fallen Order taking up so much of Respawn's focus in the years since, here's hoping they eventually get around to following up this cliffhanger.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3