10 Post-Credit Video Game Scenes You Shouldn't Have Missed - Commenter Edition

4. Horizon Zero Dawn - Sylens Has HADES

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon: Zero Dawn kicked off a brand new universe for Playstation, but its main story felt surprisingly concluded by the end. Perhaps because they had no idea whether this risky venture would work, the developers delivered an impressively self-contained story that answered most of its biggest mysteries.

Of course, there was still hope that this would be a franchise, and the post-credits scene does the heavy lifting in establishing where the sequel - Horizon: Forbidden West - will go from here.

This final tease reveals that HADES, the AI responsible for the near-apocalyptic events of the game, is still active. Even worse, it's now under the control of Sylens who has his own plans for the power HADES wields, and intends on finding out who reactivated it in the first place.

With a sequel out this year, fans will finally be able to know exactly what Sylens' true intentions are, and whether the world of Horizon remains on the threat of extinction.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3