10 Rare Video Game Enemies You Haven't Seen

8. Killbin - Final Fantasy VII (1997)

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Square Enix

Final Fantasy has always populated its magical worlds with rare and strange creatures. Whether the dreaded Marlboro plant, who’s infrequent appearances spell doom thanks to an iconically deadly Bad Breath attack, or the elusive Simurgh from Final Fantasy X, the odds of running into these enemies are incredibly low.

However, none of the enemies are as hard to spot as Killbin from the original Final Fantasy VII.

Shaped like large dice, these enemies are some of the strangest foes that can be encountered. Possessing a variety of attack types, determined by each of its faces, fighting Killbins can make for unpredictable battles. That's provided you can find one to fight.

Only found within the Whirlwind Maze area, this enemy has only a 5/32 chance of spawning (that’s 15.6%). In addition to the overall low spawn rate of the area, coupled with just how small this part of the game is, it's possible to spend hours walking through the level without seeing a single Killbin.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.